Articles in English

Campbell, B. (1997). The Heavy Load of Tamang Identity. Nationalism and Ethnicity in Hindu Kingdom; The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Nepal (pp. 205-236). In D. Gellner, J. Pfaff-Czarnecka and J. Whelpton (Eds.). Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.
Cole, P. M. and B. L. Tamang (1998). "Nepali children's ideas about emotional displays in hypothetical challenges." Developmental psychology 34(4): 640-6.
Everitte, F. (1973). Sentence Pattern in Tamang. Patterns in Clause, Sentence, and Discourse in selected Languages of India and Nepal. R. L. Trail. Oklahama, SIL and University of Oklahama. I.
Frank, W. A., Ed. (1974a). Demography of Tamang Villages of Central Nepal. Kathmandu, NRC.
Fricke, T. E., A. Thornton, et al. (1990). "Family organization and the wage labor transition in a Tamang community of Nepal." Human ecology 18: 283-313.
Fürer-Haimendorf, C. v. (1956). "Ethnographic Notes on Tamangs of Nepal." Eastern Anthropologist 9(3-4): 166-77.
Hall, A. (1982). Religion in Tamang Society; A Buddhist Community in Northen Nepal, SOAS, Univesity of London.
Hari, A. M., D. Taylor, et al. (1978). Tamang Tone and Higher Levels.
Hodgson, B. H. (1864). Customs an manners of the Murmi tribe. Paper presented in August 1864 to the Library of India Office. Manuscript. vol. 5, : 35-78.
Höfer, A. (1975). Urgen Pema und Tusar Bon: Eine Padmasambhava-Legende der Tamang, Nepal (Urgen Pema and Tusar Bon: A Padmasambhava legend of the Tamang, Nepal). Mundliche Uberlieferunger in Sudasien 170. H. Berger. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner.
Höfer, A. (1994). A Recitation of Tamang Shaman in Nepal. Bonn, VGH Wissenschftsverlag.
Holmberg, D. H. (1984) "Ritual Paradoxes in Nepal: Comparative Perspectives on Tamang Religion." Journal of Asian Studies 43.4 (August): 697-722.
Holmberg, D. H. (1994). The Dance Drama of Tshechu among Western Tamang. Shyomhendo. 2: 14-8.
Holmberg, D. H. (1999). “Local Production/Local Knowledge: Forced Labour from Below.” (co-authored with Kathryn March and Suryaman Tamang). Studies in Nepali History and Society 4.1:5-64.
Holmberg, D. H. (2016). Tamang Lhochhar and the New Nepal. In D. N. Gellner, S. L. Hausner & C. Letizia (Eds.), Religion, secularism, and ethnicity in contemporary Nepal (pp. 302-325). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Holmberg, David H. and March, Kathryn S. (2015). "Tamsaling and the Toll of the Gorkha Earthquake." Fieldsights - Hot Spots, Cultural Anthropology Online, October 14, 2015.
Kansakar, T. R. (1999). "The syntactic typology of Newar and Tamang languages." Gipan 1(1): 1-42.
Lama, Kumari (2022). The Tamangness as a Cultural Trope: A Rhetorical Analysis of Works by the Tamang Poets. SCHOLARS: Journal of Arts &Amp; Humanities, 4(1), 65–76.
Lama, Kumari (2023). Damphu: The Symbol of Tamang Cultural Identity. Mindscape: A Journal of English &Amp; Cultural Studies, 2(1), 95–102.
MacDonald, A. W. (1980). Creative Dismemberment among Tamang and Sherpas of Nepal. Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson. M. Aris and A. S. S. Kyi. Warminister, Aris and Phillips: 75-86.
MacDonald, A. W. (1984). The Tamang as seen by one of themselves; Essays on the ethnology of Nepal and South Asia. Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar.
MacDonald, A. W. (1989). "Notes on Language, Literature and Cultural Identity of Tamang." Kailash 15(3-4): 165-90.
March, Kathryn. (1983). Weaving, Writing, and Gender. Man, New Series 18(4):729-744.
Mazaudon, M. (1978). "Consonantal Mutation and Tonal Split in the Tamang Sub-family of Tibeto-Burman." Kailash 6(3): 157-79.
Mazaudon, M. (1993). "Writing Tamang: A Brief Note on Alphabetization, Spelling and transcription in tamang." Shymhendo 14(15): 26.
Mierlo, M. A. L. v. (1984). "Tamang Art: A Parallel Style in the Tantric Buddhist Art of Nepal." Kailash 11(1-2).
Munshi, S. and U. Lama (1978). "The Tamangs of Darjeeling: a study of a group identity." Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 13.
Panter-Brick, C. (1990). "Tamang Child Care and Well-being." Himalayan research Bulletin 10(1): 1-7.
Pokharel, Binod. (2011). Changing Relations between High Castes and Tamang in Melamchi Valley. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 4, 65–84.
Shrestha, P. (1988). "Research Note: Contribution to the Ethnobotany of Tamangs of Kathmandu Valley." Contributions to Nepalese Studies 15(2): 247-66.
Steinmann, B. (2004 ). "The lost paradise of the Tamang shaman: origins and fall." Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines dirigée par Jean-Luc Achard, n°5.
Tamang, M. S. (2017). Tamang Clan and Social Organization. In L.P. Uprety, B. Pokharel & S. Dhakal (eds.). Kinship Studies in Nepali Anthropology (pp. 29-241). Kathmandu: Central Department of Anthropology, Tribhuvan University.
Tamang, M. S. (2009). Tamang Activism, History and Territorial Consciousness. In D. N. Gellner (Ed.), Ethnic activism and civil society in South Asia (pp. 269-290). New Delhi ; London: SAGE.
Tamang, P. (1992). The Tamangs: a face of Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal Tamang Ghedung.
Tom, O. N. (2004). "Weaving Wages, Indebtedness, and Remittances in the Nepalese Carpet Industry." Human Organization 63(2): 211.